Most riders are generally satisfied with support systems provided by
Platforms as many turned to their Platforms first whenever an issue or
concern arises…

55% | Who submitted insurance claims indicated satisfaction or high satisfaction with the process and handling. |
34% | Were neutral. |
84% | Approached the Platform directly, via their respective apps or the 24-hour support teams. |
13% | Turn to social media The remaining were split across Meet-the-People sessions (5%), NTUC (3%) or NDCA (2%). |

49% | Were either satisfied or very satisfied with the support receive from Platforms when facing issues. |
40% | Were neutral, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. |
29% | Are currently members of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC). |
3% | Are currently members of the NTUC’s 2021-launched National Delivery Champions Association (NDCA). |
36% | Didn’t know of it. |